TuxSoft offers its products on an annual subscription lease that includes software support. TuxShop and TuxDiner are also available as a once off purchase with optional software support. Software support is limited to upgrades, feature requests and bug fixes. Physical system support is not included, for example printers and networking issues are not covered by software support.

When purchasing a Once Off licence you will be able to use the current version indefinitely. You can optionally purchase an annual software subscription to receive regular product upgrades. Alternately you can purchase specific upgrades as required, upgrades will include all versions between your current and the latest version.

Lease a TuxSoft Application.

€ 220 p/a

Includes 5 till points, additional till points
available @ €60 each.


€ 220 p/a

Includes 5 till points, additional till points
available @ €60 each.


€ 650 p/a

VetTux annual payment.

Once Off Purchase Option.

€ 350

Includes 5 till points, additional till points
available @ €60 each.


€ 350

Includes 5 till points, additional till points
available @ €60 each.

Annual Software Subscription (optional)
TuxShop / TuxDiner

€ 220

Extra Till points

€ 45



Upgrades are priced on the difference between your release and the current release purchase price as follows.

1 release

15% of New Cost

2 releases

30% of New Cost

3 releases

45% of New Cost

4 releases

60% of New Cost

5 releases

75% of New Cost


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